The Rock Leadership Team
Melissa Butler
Emily Chenevey
Board Member
Paul Deakin
Board Member
Scott Stevens
Board Member
Carolyn Baer
Board Member
Katie Holmes
Board Member
What do we do at The Rock?
Music: Each week we sing a song that correlates with the lesson. Often the song leader incorporates hand gestures and signs to encourage engagement from all students.
Lesson: Teachers spend 5-7 minutes using props and storytelling to teach The Word.
Activity: Students participate in hands-on activities to help deepen their understanding of the lesson.
Literacy/Tech Center: Students practice oral reading skills by reading the Bible Story and answer comprehension questions with a volunteer.
School Ministries, Inc. (SMI), is a nonprofit organization that was created in 1991 to assist local communities in the creation of Released Time Bible Education programs.
Released Time programs are, in fact, the only legal means of devotionally teaching the Bible during the public school day. To be legal requires that there be parental consent, that the classes be held off the school campus, and that no state dollars are used.
School Ministries, Ohio, is the nonprofit organization at the state level.
The Rock is a member of both the National and State Released Time Bible Education organizations.